Monday, March 06, 2006

FUMC Youth Ministry's Purpose

In one of my previos posts I mentioned that I have been reading the Book Purpose Driven Youth Ministry. Reading this book has given me a chance to evaluate the youth ministry that I have been leading here at FUMC(for those of you who don't know what FUMC is: First United Methodist Church). The chapter that I read today is about communicating your youth ministry's purpose. This has been difficult for me in the past. I am not a very good at communicating my thoughts to people. So this chapter was really good in convicting me of not communicating it in spite of my shortcomings and it was also good in giving me some ideas of how to communicate it. So here is our youth ministry's purpose statement:

The purpose of the First United Methodist Church's Youth Ministry is to Guide students into a relationship with Jesus Christ, to Gather them with other Christians, to Grow them in their faith, to challenge them to Give of themselves and their time for others, and to Glorify God with their lives.

That is our purpose statement, but the challenge is teaching the purpose of our ministry and to have people remeber it. The question that I have pondering for most of the day is "How do I make the purposes of my youth ministry known to others?" I have some ideas, but the key will be if they are effective or not. That is where I worry and have to remind myself to let God be the guide of the ministry and not myself.

I am praying that God will give me guidance in how I convey our purpose to those who need to hear it...the students, leadership, and parents.


Blogger Lisa Block said...

I am proud of you. God is working in shaping and molding you into a strong and wise man of God.

1:05 PM  

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