Wednesday, March 01, 2006

thoughts about God working in my life (I hope they make some sense)

So a couple of weeks ago I was thinking about what to give up for Lent, because that is what you are supposed to do. I couldn't really think of anything right away, but I was praying about it and God put on my heart that I have been quite complacent with my relationship with Him. I haven't been spending much time with Him and I have been listening to lies that Satan has been putting in my mind. Lies like, "You don't need to spend time with God, you just prepped a bible study for the Senior High...that was your time with Him." or "You just spent some time in prayer with the Junior Youth, what do you need to pray now for...You should go work on a flyer for your next event that is coming up." Lots of little lies that are preventing me from growing in my relationship with Christ. So I challenged myself to give up complacency for Lent. With the hope that I will continue on after Lent not being complacent.

Which leads me to today...the First day of Lent(Ash Wednesday). I need to back up a second and explain something else. Last night Lisa and I were talking about Lent and Lisa had looked up on-line why Lent had originally started. She told me that it was to focus on our SIN before the Easter celebration. Which would make the Easter celebration even more of a reason to celebrate. Lent is designed to help you think about your sin and when it ends you celebrate that your sin is forgiven by Jesus death and ressurection.

Okay, so back to my original thought. So I am giving up Complacency... I am going to give more of my time to God. Any time that I feel that I am being lazy or I should be with God...I am going to do it. I am not going to give into Satan's lies and I am going to listen to God. (which, by the way, I should be doing all the time, I know.) All of this is easier said then done. So, today I spent some time with God asking Him to help me with this commitment that I have made with Him. And, so far I am doing pretty good. It is only day 1, but slow and steady wins the race.

So as part of my spending time with God I decided that I would read a book. I picked out the Purpose Driven Youth Ministry because I need a refresher and some renewed focus in my ministry(Satan has been blurring that a little too). I read this book about 2 years ago when I got the Youth and Family director job a FUMC, because I needed some guidance in where to go with the ministry that I was going to be leading. So, anyway...I am reading this book and the first chapter is all about "The Power of God" Explaining that a good Youth Ministry is not about hype and flashy programs, but about spiritual growth. It also talks about where that starts with the leadership...trusting in God to guide the ministry, using God's strength and not your own. It was good to read but also very convicting at the same time. I have a PASSION to see the students in our church grow in their relationships with God... to learn how to trust Him with their make Him a priority... to not be complacent in their walk, but how can they learn all those things if they are not seeing it lived out.

"Healthy youth ministry begins when we take seriously the power of God for our own spiritual lives. A direct connection exists between a leader's spiritual vitality and a healthy youth ministry. Today's youth ministry training often overemphasizes how to do the work of God and neglects how to be a person of God." --Doug Fields(author of Purpose Driven Youth Ministry)

Suffice to say, God has been working in me lately. It is a good feeling. I feeling, that I am sad to say, that I have not felt in a while. Thank you God for your work in my life and how you are reaching students even with my shortcomings and faults. PRAISE GOD!!!!!!


Blogger Jeff said...

I finally got subscribed to your blog. I like the post. Mary and I have been trying to decide what we would do. Besides giving up pop and trying to stay on phase 1 of the South Beach Diet, I gave up listening to about 70% of my podcasts. I've opted to listen to either the daily bible readings or other Christian oriented inspirational poscasts. I may resubscribe to some after Lent, but I was really getting to obsessive about my listening habits.

11:15 PM  

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