Monday, February 27, 2006

"It's Mutiny" and "accepts it right of the back"

Telling the story from Junior youth group reminded me of two more stories about the same child. So here they are

One day we were playing freeze tag (for some reason the students love this game) and the same boy who asked me about the other half of the battle was running around yelling "IT'S MUTINY!" I don't know why but he was. He did this for about 10 minutes and then comes over and asks me, "Paul, what does mutiny mean?" I smiled and explained to him what it meant. He looked at me and said, "Oh, that's not what I thought." He then took off running and started yelling "IT'S MUTINY!" again.

Last week we were studying responsibility and I was having the students draw a picture of someone being responsible. The same boy, who was sitting next to me, drew a picture of someone who had broken an expensive vase (that cost $100.01) and has accepted responsibility for breaking it. So, while he was drawing it, I asked him what he was drawing. He said, "A kid broke a vase and he is accepting the responsibility right off the back." "Off the what?", I said. He replied, "Off the back!" I didn't have the heart to tell him that it was "off the bat", but it was one of the funniest things ever.

I know that I will have a ton of stories about this student. He cracks me up every week. I love him. Stay tuned for more stories


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