Monday, June 18, 2007

Vacation Bible School

This past week, we had Vacation Bible School at our church. It was a HUGE success. This year the theme was called Galilee-By-The-Sea. We set up a Jewish Marketplace and all the volunteers dressed in period costume. The participants (young and old) were immersed in the Jewish culture of Jesus' time and learned about Jesus in many different ways. They started in a Large group setting called the Gathering, where the learned about Jesus through singing songs, then they broke into their seperate Tribes and discussed Jesus in small groups, then they were able to go the Synagogue where they learned about Jewing customs that Jesus would have followed. They also got visit many of the shops in the Jewish Marketplace. There, they were able to do crafts (they made toy boats, menorahs, Shell Jewelry, and carved in soap stone. All the time that they are making the crafts the shopkeepers are teaching them about why their trade was important and asking them what they think about Jesus. And there was a skit performed each day to help reinforce the Lesson. All the participants were immersed in learning about Jesus from everyone they came in contact with. It was awesome!!! They ended the day by returning to their small groups, talking about what they had learned and then going to the Large group meeting again. I loved this Vacation Bible School. It was a lot of work to do, but the Lord blessed it. I am hopefully going to post some pictures so that you can see some of the stuff that we did. I praise God for all that He did last week in the lives of our VBS participants.


Blogger Amanda said...

I went to a similar VBS one summer when I was a kid, and loved it. Glad to hear everything went well!

Oh - next year, you could re-inact the Moses story and use your baby as a prop! (you know, but him/her in a basket, etc...).

5:56 PM  
Blogger Lisa Block said...

Excellent Idea!

1:13 PM  

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