Tuesday, September 05, 2006

School Year Begins; Free Time Ends

So, school started today for Gaylord Community Schools and Youth Group, Sunday School, and a ton of other stuff begins this coming week. There goes most of my free time. I have to say that I think I am stressed about this school year more than any other. I want it to be such a success. Lisa and I spent an entire weekend evaluating the programs that I run and setting goals for all of them. I want to be able to meet all my goals and I want the students in our church, young and old, to grow closer to God. Lisa said something to me yesterday that I have been mulling over. She said something to the effect that I am not trusting in God enough and am putting all my effort into making sure that every last detail is set and that everything is publisized enough. There is a lot of truth in what she says. I know that I need to trust God more with my ministries and that if I provide an atmosphere where people can learn, He will do the rest.

Lisa and I had a long talk yesterday because our schedule is going to be changing again. We go through this about every year because my schedule changes during the summer and then again when the school year starts. Plus, she has her internship and classes now. So, we are trying to figure out how our schedules are going to work out and be able to spend quality time together and all that kind of stuff. Part of that is we decided to get up earlier. Which is so hard for me...I am not a morning person...I need my sleep and I don't function very well in the mornings. We'll see how it goes.

So, I am stressin' quite a bit over everything that is coming up and I am not going to have much free time in the near future. But, I am going to trust in God and He is the great provider. I hope that you will join me in praying for the youth ministry, family ministry, and educational ministry that I am in charge of. Your prayers are greatly needed and coveted.


Blogger Lisa Block said...

Hey, at least we have a lame social life - you don't have to much to mourn:-)

9:18 PM  

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