Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Returned Safely From Mission Trip

In my previous post I talked about our Sr. High Mission Trip to Benton Harbor, Mi. You can go to my wife's blog(http://blocklisa.blogspot.com/) to read more about what we did during the week. I don't want to repeat everything that she said because most of you who read my blog, read hers as well. So I am going to just share a few of my thoughts and feeling about this trip.

I think that this is the best mission trip I have ever been on. Including the trips that I took in High School and College. What made it so great? I'm glad you asked. It was so great because I believe I got a taste of heaven. Every student in the group of 60 to 70 students accepted every other student in the group. I have never seen teenagers accept each other so quickly without judgement or apprehension. From day 1 it seemed that everyone was best friends. It was amazing!!! By the end of the week, they were all family. Instead of 4 youth groups, there was one, they were all in God's youth group. This trip was filled with unconditional love for each other. It did not matter who you were, where you were from, what your background was, you were loved.

Here's and example: On thursday night, the YouthWorks Staff asked us to worship in our church groups to make getting into our foot washing ceremony a little easier. So at the beginning we all sat down in our church groups. By the time we were done with our worship and everything, there were no more church groups. Everyone was worshipping together...we could not keep these students from being one group...It was how things should be. As I sat there and watched this happen I could not help but cry from joy. God was showing me that little taste of heaven and instead of me showing my students Christ, they were showing me Christ. It is one of the most beautiful things I have ever experienced. I praise God for the way that He worked in His students' lives and the way that He worked in mine.

That is the main reason that this is the best Mission trip I have ever been on...I saw unconditional love shared by all...not by just a few, but by everyone...Praise God for how He moves and works in His people.